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Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses1. To introduce the organisation of the "Citizenship, Economics and Society" curriculum;and
2. To introduce the role of school curriculum leaders in leading the planning of the "Citizenship, Economics and Society" curriculum.
2. To introduce the role of school curriculum leaders in leading the planning of the "Citizenship, Economics and Society" curriculum.
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses1. To introduce the curriculum of Citizenship, Economics and Society; and
3. To introduce the support measures for the implementation of the Citizenship, Economics and Society Curriculum.
3. To introduce the support measures for the implementation of the Citizenship, Economics and Society Curriculum.
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers