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Category: Courses1. To provide detailed explanation of the learning and teaching points of modules of Strand 5 “Resources and Economic Activities” in the “Citizenship, Economics and Society” curriculum, as well as the depth and breadth of the curriculum contents; and
2. To introduce how to make use of the “Support Resources” developed by the EDB to implement the new curriculum.
2. To introduce how to make use of the “Support Resources” developed by the EDB to implement the new curriculum.
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses1. Introduce the Cross-KLA learning and teaching resource package: Data Literacy;
2. Introduce a number of easy-to-use online statistics products launched by the Census and Statistics Department;
3. Enhance teachers’ understanding and awareness of the use of statistics and data from official sources; and
4. Promote the use of official data in the teaching and learning of Junior Secondary Citizenship, Economics and Society; Senior Secondary Economics and Senior Secondary Citizenship and Social Development and Secondary Mathematics
2. Introduce a number of easy-to-use online statistics products launched by the Census and Statistics Department;
3. Enhance teachers’ understanding and awareness of the use of statistics and data from official sources; and
4. Promote the use of official data in the teaching and learning of Junior Secondary Citizenship, Economics and Society; Senior Secondary Economics and Senior Secondary Citizenship and Social Development and Secondary Mathematics
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses1. To provide detailed explanation of the learning points of modules of Strand 6 “Social Systems and Citizenship” in the “Citizenship, Economics and Society” curriculum, as well as the depth and breadth of the respective curriculum contents; and
2.To introduce how to make use of the “Support Resources” developed by the EDB to implement the new curriculum.
2.To introduce how to make use of the “Support Resources” developed by the EDB to implement the new curriculum.
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: CoursesThis course aims at enriching teachers' knowledge about the latest developments in the economy and finance of our country and Hong Kong included in Module 2.4 “Economic Performance and Human Resources of Hong Kong” and Module 3.2 “Overview of Our Country’s Economy and World Trade” in Citizenship, Economics and Society Curriculum (S1-3).
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers