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Category: Courses
1. Enhance teachers’ knowledge and understanding of the arts and culture of Xi’an and Dunhuang, and understand the Chinese geography, history and the current arts and culture of our country, such as the integration of arts technology and traditional arts.
2. Provide practical experience in organising life-wide arts learning activities.
3. Inspire teachers to apply and transform the knowledge gained from the study tour into thematic teaching unit design to cultivate students’ proper values and attitudes, including cherishing Chinese culture and building national identity.
4. Promote professional development, exchanges and collaboration among Visual Arts teachers.
2. Provide practical experience in organising life-wide arts learning activities.
3. Inspire teachers to apply and transform the knowledge gained from the study tour into thematic teaching unit design to cultivate students’ proper values and attitudes, including cherishing Chinese culture and building national identity.
4. Promote professional development, exchanges and collaboration among Visual Arts teachers.
Category: Courses
The course focuses on the making of the portraits of meritorious officers of the Qianlong campaigns. It will introduce the participants into the fascinating world of painting materials and techniques and provide them with basic knowledge about the discipline of technical art history. By exploring the material aspects of these valuable imperial portraits, the course aims to demonstrate how the natural sciences and technology can enrich our understanding of art and its history.
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In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
Through visiting the traditional architecture, the bamboo theatre of the Jiao Festival, and the general spatial layout in Ha Tsuen, the activity will enrich teachers’ knowledge on the history of the Tang clan of Ha Tsuen, as well as the characteristics and social functions of the traditional architecture. It will also introduce the cultural and social significance of traditional customs and festivals from the case of Jiao Festival. Teachers will be able to deepen their understanding of the historical background, village customs and intangible cultural heritage, and be inspired to arrange similar study tours for students to experience first-hand the embodiment and transmission of Chinese culture in Hong Kong.
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
The Curriculum Development Institute of EDB and The Hong Kong War of Resistance and Coastal Defence (MWRCD) are going to arrange a half-day programme, including seminar on “Examining Coastal Defence Establishments in Guangdong Coast during Ming & Qing Dynasties from Hong Kong Military Heritage Sites” by Professor SIU Kwok-kin
Professor of Department of Chinese Literature, Hong Kong Chu Hai College, and visiting to the MWRCD, so as to promote the history of coastal defence in Guangdong and Hong Kong during the Ming and Qing dynasties, enable teachers to learn about the new exhibitions in the MWRCD and enhance their knowledge and ability in planning museum visits and teaching related history.
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In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
(1) In tandem with the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of victory in the War of Resistance, this field study explores the historical relics of the War of Resistance and memorial facilities in Sai Kung in relation to the Hong Kong and Kowloon Independent Brigade of the East River Column, and introduces the efforts made by the guerrilla and villagers such as undertaking the Secret Rescues operation, rescuing the Allied prisoners of war, launching guerrilla attacks behind enemy lines, so as to enhance teachers’ understanding about the history of fighting against aggression, where solidarity among the local people and compatriots in the mainland was shown.
(2) To enhance teachers’ competence in promoting national education through field study, so as to foster students’ national identity.
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers