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Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
(1) To deepen participants’ understanding on the knowledge and the concept of computational thinking in coding education with reference to the guideline of “Computational Thinking – Coding Education: Supplement to the Primary Curriculum” (Primary) 2020 and the content of the “Enriched Module on Coding Education for Upper Primary Level” (Enriched Module);
(2) To reinforce participants’ proficiency in utilizing the pedagogical approach to develop computational thinking among upper primary students as demonstrated in the enriched module and designing learning activities for teaching computational thinking and coding with the use of Micro:bit;
(3) To enhance participants’ ability to integrate coding in designing practical solutions and develop their understanding of the systematic problem solving procedures; and
(4) To develop positive values and attitudes among participants in ethical use of technology.
(2) To reinforce participants’ proficiency in utilizing the pedagogical approach to develop computational thinking among upper primary students as demonstrated in the enriched module and designing learning activities for teaching computational thinking and coding with the use of Micro:bit;
(3) To enhance participants’ ability to integrate coding in designing practical solutions and develop their understanding of the systematic problem solving procedures; and
(4) To develop positive values and attitudes among participants in ethical use of technology.
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
This online workshop provides opportunities for teachers to: consider their professional role as a teacher in catering for learner diversity; reflect on their beliefs and knowledge about learners and their diversity; explore some research, theories and models to understand differentiated instruction, higher order thinking and questioning; study examples of questioning in the classroom; and apply the knowledge they have acquired to plan an authentic learning and teaching sequence.
This workshop introduces some of the basic theories behind differentiated instruction and focuses in particular on questioning as a teaching strategy for achieving differentiation in the classroom by utilising Bloom’s Taxonomy. While this workshop is aimed for teachers of English and uses examples related to English Language Learning (ELL) to contextualise the approach, the theories and strategies discussed are transferable and can be used across the curriculum and for both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
This workshop introduces some of the basic theories behind differentiated instruction and focuses in particular on questioning as a teaching strategy for achieving differentiation in the classroom by utilising Bloom’s Taxonomy. While this workshop is aimed for teachers of English and uses examples related to English Language Learning (ELL) to contextualise the approach, the theories and strategies discussed are transferable and can be used across the curriculum and for both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers