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Category: CoursesTo enhance participants’ understanding of the connections of science-technology-society and the latest advances in chemistry.
Category: CoursesThe programme aims at equipping secondary school science teachers with the knowledge and techniques to apply information technology in developing learners' activities in scientific investigation. The acquired knowledge will be useful for experimental design which combines information technology and laboratory facilities in secondary schools. Examples include the use of computer simulation software to conduct experiments in physics, chemistry and biology, the application of 3D printers and 3D visualization hardware and software to visualize chemical and biological molecules, the use of appropriate hardware such as digital data-loggers and cameras to facilitate activities in scientific inquiry. The programme will benefit science teachers in secondary schools, including teachers of physics, chemistry and biology, as well as teachers of combined science, and teachers of both junior and senior integrated science. These activities of scientific investigation will also be relevant to teachers of liberal studies which cover science-related modules such as Energy Technology and the Environment and Public Health.