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Category: Courses
In-service Teachers
Category: CoursesTo allow NJTs to gain an understanding of the development of education of Mainland as well as other key areas such as innovation and technology, history, culture, and economy through visits and exchanges in the Mainland.
New Teachers
Category: Courses
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: CoursesThrough visiting the exhibition themed "Dreams of the East", to enhance teachers' understanding of our country's development and achievements, and military history, as well as the work of the Hong Kong Garrison, so as to enhance students’ sense of national identity and national pride, and raise their awareness of safeguarding national security.
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers
Category: Courses
New Teachers
In-service Teachers