
In a rapidly changing educational environment, teachers must continually update their skills to provide the best possible education for their students.

An open and trusted digital credentials ecosystem means better hiring for employers and better opportunities for every learner.

As an educational approach, student-centred learning places the student at the heart of the learning process, encouraging active engagement, critical thinking, and independent exploration.


Self-directed learning, also known as student-directed learning, is an educational theory or method of content delivery in which the student takes control of their own education.

Catering for learner diversity is a key issue in the recent educational reforms in Hong Kong. The present study addresses this issue through an investigation of the relationships between students’ learning styles and approaches to learning in Hong Kong secondary schools.

Curriculum development is the multi-level approach of creating and improvising the course material taught at a school, university, or educational institute. While the actual process varies from place to place, the broad framework incorporates analysis, building, implementation, and evaluation stages.

(只提供英文版本) As we enter a new era, collaborative learning is being transformed by remarkable trends and breakthrough innovations that are disrupting traditional educational paradigms. This change is being driven by increased awareness of collaborative learning’s immense potential to foster creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.


Professional development is crucial for teachers. It not only strengthens teaching skills but also improves student outcomes and supports career growth. This blog post outlines a comprehensive approach to setting and achieving professional development goals for teachers, guiding you through each step with clear, actionable advice.


課程大綱 1. 何謂服務學習? 2. 服務學習的益處及挑戰 3. 發展和維持社區夥伴關係 4. 服務學習的設計及推行 5. 促進學生反思 6. 評估學生的服務學習成果





在當今瞬息萬變的科技時代,人工智能 (AI)、大數據、區塊鏈、雲端運算及編程等創新科技不僅是未來職場重要的核心能力,更是驅動社會變革的重要引擎。當家長引導孩子在科技領域探索時,可參考以下的生涯規劃策略建議。



想保持健康的體魄,便要日常做多運動﹗家長只要花些心思,在家中都可以和子女進行簡單的體能遊戲,除了促進親子關係外,更可以鍛鍊小朋友的四肢協調。立即觀看影片,在家試玩【親子體能遊戲 - 大腳板過河】啦﹗



